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Sunday 4 September 2011

Tholthorpe 10k

Week started with a rest from running and just a walked around Northallerton with the challenge come to an end and there was only 10 miles between me and Fran so I got off my ass on Tuesday and went for a walk of 6.98 miles and run 3.85 miles just a flat run around Northallerton. I went to the club on Wednesday night where we did the warm up 4x6 min with a 2 min recovery so for the first 12 min I went at a steady pace I then decided to kill myself in last 12 min and then I couldn’t get my breath back when we finished the last 6 min which was a good, hard training session which took the runnng plus warm up to 3.25 miles and I also did a 4.69 miles walking. I finished the August challenge on 194.09 and I beat Fran for the second month in a row. With the new challenge starting on Thursday I went out for a run 3.82 miles run just around the industrial estate in Northallerton and back home I also did a 5.11 miles walking I went out on Friday again for a 3.43 miles run and 3.86 miles walking. So Tuesday, Thursday and Friday I also did 2x15 press ups, sit ups and 20 min on the walking machine I had a rest on Saturday with just a 4.64 miles walking. I was aiming to do Tholthorpe 10k in under 60 min which didn’t happen today, I took Steve Billing’s advice for a change so I set off at a steady pace doing the first 1k in 5.55 and between 5-7 min for the rest of the race I did beat Cath, pass Claire and her friend which was at 4k and stayed in front until the end of the race which i did in 60.28 I also did a walk of 4.43 miles as well, which take my walking and running to 55.06 miles and the miles so far to 717.50

week 34

Monday - walk 4.8 run 0
Tuesday - walk 6.98 run 3.85
Wednesday - walk 4.69 Club run 3.25

Now 200 miles left to do 5.91
So far walk 16.47 run 7.1 = 194.09

Thursday - walk 5.11 run 3.82
Friday - walk 3.86 run 3.43
Saturday - walk 4.64 run 0
Sunday - walk 4.43 run 6.2

150 miles left to do 118.51
so far walk 18.04 run 13.45 = 31.49

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