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Sunday 4 March 2012

PB at the Time Trial

The week started with me recovering from me been ill so I went to the club on Monday night we did our step aerobics session and super set session afterward. So we did the warm up and got in to to the session where we did running steps backward step and high step and many more different steps and then we did 3 sets of super set of different exercise we then did a cool down and finished for the night, which was to bad my leg didn’t hurt until I got up on Tuesday and couldn’t walk like any other week since we have been doing the step aerobics. I also did a walk and bike ride as well. I only managed a walk and bike ride on Tuesday. I went to the club on Wednesday night we did the warm up then we did 3 set of circuits which I was my Billy because it was a time trial and not many people was there. It was that warm in the sports hall that by the 3rd set of circuits I was tired and gave up in the end. I ran down with Fran and said legs feel heavy this won’t be a faster time trial but I got everyone in line and then I started and felt good so I ran as hard and as faster and did a PB and past Ian, Sarah, Marian, Pam and Sheila the most I have passed since doing the time trial I only normal only past Marian and Pam which I must be get faster these days I did in 17.36 which is 30 sec faster than last month. I also did a walk and bike ride as well. Which I finished the challenge on 103.84 miles which is down from any other month since I started the challenge last July. Which take my running walk and cycling to 24.55 miles and the miles so far to 1601.14 miles

Weekly Total 14.69/9.86
walk/run total 248.05/103.84
Running Total 103.39/43.0
Walking Total 145.66/60.82
Cardio work out 19.86/5.86
Cycling Total 146.28/73.36

Wednesday 29th Feb Distance: 2.00 mi Time:17:36 Avg Pace: 8:49 min/mi 1m - 8.46 Time

27th Feb - 2.02 miles walk (cycling 2.62) (2.0 Step Aerobics)
28th Feb - 4.22 miles walk (cycling 2.62)
29th Feb - 8.45 miles (walk 5.15 run 3.3) (cycling 2.62)

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