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Sunday 24 February 2013

The cold, sore throat and cough Week 9 of the training plan diary

Monday Club with Sonja

With the school closed for half term we were training on the flat on the cycle path we did a warmup to start, then we got into the session where  we did 1min fast 30 sec walk 30 sec fast X7 my legs didn’t feel too bad from the race the day before, I was in Sonja’s group and managed to keep up but it was a very cold night I do like been in the gym instead of being outside

Tuesday 3x15min jog with a 5 min walk

I had been at work all day so when I got home I was feeling very tired and had to drag myself for my training session just on the footpath around Northallerton it was only a jog which was very hard to do on the first 15 min because I started off too fast as usual I got finished and my legs were feeling stiff I just put that down to the race on Sunday and the speed session on Monday night

Wednesday Club with Rob Time trial

I went to the club on Wednesday night, we met at the Athletic Club because the school was close and with the trip to Scarborough cancelled because there was a low take up so we had the time trial on Station Road but I had no energy felt tired and was starting with a cold and sore throat so I just help with the timekeeping instead

Thursday Rest

The training plan said I should have a rest and that is what I did because I was starting to feel worse as the week went on it didn’t help that I was at worked all day

Friday 20 x 2 mins +5% 1 min walk

I was still feeling crap from this cold, sore throat and now starting with a cough I just had another rest and got a early night

Saturday 4 miles Target 42min

I had no energy today so I only managed a bike ride in town and back home and was so tired so no running again today

Sunday 10 miles Target 1 hr 50 min

I started to feel better today with this cold and cough but still didn’t want to risk going for a run today hoping to get to the club on Monday night if I feel better

1 comment:

  1. In general many of us infect from virus which causes cold and cough. Sometimes this also accompanies with the body pain and fever. We can cure sore throat and cough with proper medication and also maintaining proper lifestyle and diet.
